Sign language app opens new path to learning for Deaf children

Sign language app opens new path to learning for Deaf children

A new Nepali sign language learning app called “Mero Sanket” was officially launched, on the occasion of International Day of Sign Languages on 23rd September, 2021. The mobile application will support children who are deaf in developing pre-literacy, reading and basic sign language skills. The app, which is the first of its kind for Nepal, can also help teachers, parents, and caregivers to learn basic Nepali sign language, and will be available as an offline platform. 

The app is the result of collaboration through the USAID supported Reading for All program, which is implemented by Handicap International (HI, also known as Humanity & Inclusion) in partnership with World Education, the National Federation of the Deaf Nepal (NDFN), the Center for Education and Human Resource Development (CEHRD) and other local partners. In Nepal, children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized groups in terms of access to education, participation and learning achievement. They experience a lack of proper learning infrastructure and accessible teaching learning materials adapted to their needs. There are 174 resource classrooms and 24 schools for deaf children, comprising 15,000 deaf students in Nepal. Nepali sign language was developed in 1998 which has rapidly progressed helping students who are deaf in their education. However, it is not accessible to many children who are deaf across the country, which has resulted in high school dropout rates and low learning achievement. 

In a statement, the National Federation of the Deaf Nepal wrote, “This app puts Nepali Sign Language into the hands of anyone with an interest in learning it. In creating this mobile app, we appreciate the support provided by the Government of Nepal, USAID, Handicap International, World Education, and all technical teams involved. In the days to come, we wish to take more initiatives to promote inclusive education by developing an additional learning material together with everyone involved in such activities and to lay the groundwork for the education of deaf children.” 

"USAID is committed to ensuring all children have access to learning, especially children who are most marginalized. This is even more pressing during COVID pandemic where so many children are out of school and children with disabilities are disproportionately affected. We hope that this will be one more tool parents and teachers can use to support children who are deaf or hard of hearing in learning to read,” states USAID/Nepal’s Education Office Director, Shannon Taylor.

“Inclusion is at the heart of HI’s core values and accessibility in communication is our mandate. When children’s access to education is curtailed due to COVID-19 containment measures, and when children are confined to their homes, this ingenious app helps deaf children to continue learning,” said Reiza Dejito, HI’s Regional Director. “The starting point was creating a tailor-made mobile app for learning Nepali sign language, and making it fun and on demand to anyone, anytime, anywhere,” Dejito added.

“It has been a pleasure sharing that the “Mero Sanket” application has been developed, targeting students who are deaf or hard of hearing from grade one to three. The mobile application does not only support pre-literacy, reading and basic sign language skills, but this also helps teachers, parents, caregivers and other stakeholders learn basic sign language,” said Dr. Divya Dawadi, Director, Inclusive Education at CEHRD. “The government of Nepal is committed to provide access to education for children including those with disabilities. Together with the partners, we have developed lessons in sign language to support learning to catch up from the learning loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic,” Dawadi explains. 

Studies on educational outcomes in Nepal point to high drop-out rates and comparatively low achievement rates for children with disabilities, particularly in rural areas. USAID’s Reading for All program aims to improve reading outcomes for students with disabilities, through improving data quality on students with disabilities, early screening, building technical capacity, and testing disability inclusive education instructional models. The project will screen an estimated 277,418 children from grades 1-3 for any disabilities. Early screening helps teachers and schools to adapt students’ individualized education plans and the learning environment. Likewise, Reading for All will train more than 9,400 primary school teachers and 46 educators of resource classes to use inclusive teaching instruction to adapt to different needs of students.

“Mero Sanket” is already available in the Google Play Store. It includes six lessons on vowels, consonants, words, diacritical signs, exercises and general conversation. The app can be accessed offline once it is installed on a device. The exercise section provides users a chance to practice their expressive and receptive fingerspelling skills. Pictures © Sadiksha Malla/ HI

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